Aug 31 2011

Long Island Motor Parkway Bridge Series: #6 Wheeler Farmway Bridge #1 in Queens 1/19/16

When the 48 miles of the Motor Parkway were completed in 1926, a total of 60 bridges had been built over and under the parkway. Most of the bridges were used to avoid intersections of major roads. However, many of the bridges were built to connect adjoining properties and farms. These "farmway" bridges were part of the negotiations when the Long Island Motor Parkway, Inc. purchased the right-of way. The first farmway bridge from the Western Terminus was built to connect the north and south sections of the Wheeler property.

1924 Aerial- Oakland Gardens, Queens


By the summer of 1912, the Long Island Motor Parkway had been extended into Queens with the new Western terminus at Rocky Hill Road. This aerial shows the section of the Motor Parkway from Winchester Boulevard (far right) to Rocky Hill Road (far left).


A close-up of the aerial shows the Western Terminus at Rocky Hill Road on the left. But, take a closer look on the right.


The Motor Parkway clearly goes over a small bridge- the Wheeler Farmway Bridge.

1928 Motor Parkway Atlas- Oakland Gardens, Queens


The Atlas shows the location of the Wheeler Farmway Bridge east of the Rocky Hill Road (Springfield Boulevard) Bridge.

Current Views


This Wheeler Farmway Bridge, located near 226th Street, was originally documented over 20 years ago by the prominent Motor Parkway historian Bob Miller who noted: "I crawled inside the underpass/overpass several years ago and took some prints of the abutments—you can see 1911 cast into them—somewhat lime-encrusted, but legible. There’s also one of the tubular metal railings which adorned the top of the bridge on the side, which has tossed under when it rotted off its uprights. "

The bridge, considered one of the eight remaining extant Motor Parkway bridges, was rediscovered in 2008 by Queens resident Eddie Murray Jr. while walking on the Motor Parkway bike path. The interior of the bridge was filled in by New York City years ago. As seen in this image, the top of the bridge abutment remains visible.

Update: September 15, 2011


A recent visit to the area shows that someone has unearthed more of the first Wheeler Farmway Bridge.




The current south view. Note a piece of the railing can be seen in the middle.



The current north view.

Links to related posts on and the Internet:

Archives: Long Island Motor Parkway Bridge Series

The Seven Intact Motor Parkway Bridges

Google Maps: Wheeler Farmway Bridge

Archives: Long Island Motor Parkway- Queens

The 1928 Long Island Motor Parkway Atlas

Brooklyn-Queens Greenway Guide

Archives: Long Island Motor Parkway- Bridges

Archives: Long Island Motor Parkway Bridges- Queens

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Apr 13 2017 Brian D McCarthy 7:39 PM

I know quite a few intrepids have crawled under this bridge, etc. I’m sure you’ve have tried locating as well, Howard; but there doesn’t seem to be any ground level photo of this bridge while the LIMP was active. I can only guess it was similar to Wheeler Bridge #2.

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